Produce more LNG with high precision controlling elements that enable optimal controller tuning
Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger Solutions
The main cryogenic heat exchanger (MCHE) is the heart of the liquefaction facility. It liquefies natural gas then subcools it. The MCHE is composed of a large number of spiral wound tube bundles. When the feed gas exits the top of the MCHE, it has been turned into liquid as the temperature has been reduced to approximately -146°C (-231°F). 

What's your opportunity?
  • Maintain optimum refrigerant flow circulation
  • Reduce energy consumption when feed is restricted 
Featured Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger Solutions
Utilize pressure drop to achieve cooling of liquids, gases or multi-phase fluids.

  • Withstands full cryogenic temperatures
  • Maintains stable flow of refrigerant to chillers and cold boxes under large differential pressures
  • High precision assembly with ≤ .25% deadband
Control of the temperature of LNG coming out of the main heat exchanger.

  • Drilled hole trim in flow up direction so flashing and/or outgassing is directed away from trim
  • Expanded outlet valve body design allows for downstream expansion of lighter hydrocarbon constituents
Ensure consistently tight shutoff despite temperature and pressure changes.

  • Torque seated, zero leakage shutoff
  • Trapped cavity risk eliminated
  • Zero maintenance with non-rubbing design
Inject LNG into the gas to cool it.

  • Wide range of KV capacities
  • Multiple atomizer technology
  • Near uniform spray quality over the entire operating range
Shut off the flow of a hazardous gas upon detection of a dangerous event.

  • Torque assisted elastic metal seal ensures continuous bi-directional, zero leakage performance
  • Cryogenic extension
Isolate your critical liquefaction facility assets with confidence for inspection and repair events.

  • Torque assisted elastic metal seal continuous bi-directional, zero leakage performance
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