Control Valves for Emissions Reduction
Control methane emissions to meet changing regulations.
Think Sustainability / Emissions & Energy Efficiency
Valves are likely the leading source of fugitive emissions in your plant and offer an opportunity to improve environmental sustainability performance. Emerson's low emission Fisher™ control valves, control valve instruments, and valve actuators are designed and tested to address possible leak paths to prevent valuable product loss, non-compliance penalties, and higher operating costs.  
Control Valve Packing Systems
Fisher live-loaded control valve packing systems protect the environment against the emissions of hazardous or polluting fluids with exceptional stem sealing capabilities. 
Low Bleed and Zero Bleed Control Valve Instruments
Fisher low bleed and no bleed control valve positioners, pneumatic controllers, transducers, pilots, and level instruments meet the required steady-state bleed rate of less than 6 standard cubic feet per hour (scfh) and save considerable money. 
Zero Emission Control Valve Actuators
The Fisher easy-Drive electric actuator, an all electric actuator, can be retrofittted to a number of different installed valves, and it offers a means to achieve zero bleed. 
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