LNG Unloading, Storage, and Regasification Solutions
Freeze out obstacles to a plentiful source of clean energy
LNG is complex and requires innovative thinking and creative solutions to overcome extreme temperatures and pressures. Emerson experts work with operators of liquefaction facilities, carriers, and regasification terminals to implement advanced products necessary to keep up with evolving nature of this industry. Currently, Emerson leads the market with the broadest portfolio of valves, actuators, and regulators with critical isolation and control technologies.
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Protect process
equipment and
maintain uptime
Produce and store LNG in necessary quantities and in time for tanker shipments 

Safeguard against leakage,
fugitive emissions,
and product loss

  • Utilize proven technologies for full cryogenic temperature performance, advanced corrosion resistance, and noise and cavitation control 
  • Get 24/7 access to diagnostics that help keep assets running smoothly
  • Improve awareness of and response to imminent asset failures 
  • Achieve tight shutoff in cryogenic applications with leakage rates as low as 1/10th of those allowable by industry standards 
  • Address ultra-low emission requirements with buttweld top-entry valves that offer access to in-line maintenance
LNG Solutions
LNG Solutions
Inlet Feed and Separation
Acid Gas Removal and Dehydration

Reduce pressure swings that can cause cycling of the
whole plant, impacting throughput and reliability.

Eliminate hydrate formation from H₂S and CO2 in cold sections
of the process.
Sulfur Recovery

Heat the acid gas to prevent sulfur condensation in the catalyst bed and maximize catalytic reaction.

Handle varying compositions of natural gas liquids (NGLs) and change the mix of hydrocarbon components in the exported products.
Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger
Compression Train

Manage LNG production by maximizing the liquefaction compressor discharge pressure to the limit.

Maintain efficient operation
and prevent surges.
Storage, Jetty Loading  and Boil-Off Gas
Unloading, Storage and Regas Vaporization

Provide safety measures, control the tank level, and
automatically recover boil-off vapors.

Convert the liquid natural gas to its gaseous form and
manage tight schedules.
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