To eliminate stranded data, companies need a way to coordinate OT and IT efforts, but normally the experts who understand the IT cloud infrastructure lack the expertise to locate, interpret and connect OT-sourced data. And vice versa for OT experts. Systems making both the data access and cloud transfer simple and easy to setup have been a critical missing link.
This new white paper, “Liberating Stranded Data Via IIoT,” plus the application note, "Bringing Data to Microsoft SQL Azure for Data Management and Analysis in the Cloud,” show how a new, innovative software platform combined with the newest edge control technology can make achieving the bridge from edge to cloud simple and straightforward for any company.
Download this white paper and application guide to learn:
- The causes of stranded data
- The value of bringing stranded data to the cloud
- How to implement an edge-to-cloud solution
- How to employ the innovative Movicon.NExT™ platform with Microsoft SQL Azure.
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