User Driven Enhancement Program
User Driven Enhancement Program
Do you have an idea for an enhancement to one of Emerson Automation Solutions' offerings?

If so, we want to hear from you! The UDEP was created to give the Emerson user community a direct means to input and influence Emerson’s product enhancement plans. This is your opportunity to tell Emerson’s technology leaders about enhancement ideas or improvements to existing functionality that you would find most valuable.

Anyone from the Emerson user community is welcome to submit ideas. Please include only one idea per submission, although you may have multiple submissions. All submitted enhancement ideas will be formally considered.

Ideas may be submitted at any time. Please note, however, that each release cycle has an evaluation period for ideas submitted. Once the projects have been selected, any ideas submitted will be evaluated as part of the next release cycle.

  • For technical support issues, please go to the Technical Support website
  • For the DeltaV DCS, ideas submitted now will be considered for the v16 release
  • For Syncade enhancement ideas, please submit them to Syncade Technical Support at
Got an enhancement idea?
Please enter and submit information. * Required Field
Details and requirements of proposed improvements.
Specific benefits or objectives achieved via the improvement idea.
How are objectives currently addressed or attempted with existing functionality?
If your ideas require attachment(s), please email them to, or respond to the email that will be sent to you following your submission.
User Driven Enhancement Program
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